Ruth Pearce
Featured Members

Ruth Pearce Advances Mental Health in the Workplace

Ruth Pearce is a speaker, enterprise coach and the founder of Pearce Insights and ALLE LLC. She is on a mission to advance mental health in the workplace so people and organizations thrive. Business success isn’t just about strategy. A healthy workplace means happier, more productive teams that contribute to organizational success. From supporting teams through transitions to reimagining employee engagement, she uses her skills, experience and humor to build programs that foster well-being and ethical leadership. Read on for lessons learned and Ruth’s advice for other female founders!

Introduce yourself!

My business and I are one of a kind because each of us is one of a kind. We celebrate that. We break through norms and work with you to optimize the things that make you unique. We are not about learning to fit in, we are about helping you see that you already do!

What inspired you to start your business?

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I was inspired by my own experiences of burnout. Each was different, and they helped me see that recovery from, and prevention of, burnout is not one size fits all. As with all things, intention and practice are key. I set about learning as much as I could about simple practices that anyone can adopt to support their mental health. Along the way, I learned how the benefits of mentally healthy behaviors and practices have a ripple effect. The people around us benefit, AND the organizations we invest our energy into benefit too! Mental health is a win win win proposition. But many of us – from individuals to organizations – are at a loss about where to start.

Even if we value mental and physical health practices, many of us don’t know what helps and what doesn’t. I started my business to fill the gap!

What was the first step to starting your business?

My first step was learning to be a coach from some of the best coaches out there. Then I learned to teach coaches how to make the impact they long to make!

Who’s a female entrepreneur who inspires you?

Maya Angelou – not usually heralded as an entrepreneur but she was a pioneer and was true to herself. That inspires me.

What’s a business myth you’d love to bust?

The myth that the only way to succeed is to get up early, work long hours and give up every other aspect of life needs to be debunked!

What’s one mistake you made early on in your business, and what did you learn from it?

When I started, I was haphazard. I would start projects and then get distracted by a new idea.

Describe your company in three words.

Hopeful. Curious. Strong.

What’s your proudest business milestone so far?

Every time a client or audience member shares an insight they gained, a change they made successfully or a dream they took a step towards after working with me, my heart soars!

What excites you about your work?

Seeing people reach higher and make a bigger impact on themselves and others.

How do you differentiate your company from other similar offerings?

Other companies focus on steps to the one big secret. We focus on the whole. We are messy, accomplished, passionate, sometimes sad, lost, lonely and excited – all at the same time. We embrace it ALL and see the value of it ALL.

What advice would you give to other female entrepreneurs?

Choose a focus, research the need and desire for that service or product and adapt. Get one part of your business offering under your belt and bedded in before dipping into other options. One thing done well, and reaching the audience that needs and wants it, beats a million great but unfinished ideas!

Anything else you want to share with our audience?

When people advise you to network, listen to them. You need a community of people behind you and your business. Build that community; be that community for others. And drop the small talk. Ask questions that interest you and lead to connection such as “What is your favorite color and why?”

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