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Leadership News Briefs

Report Explores Pathways for Indian Women Leaders

A recent 360-degree review showed that women perform better than men on most leadership competencies. The leadership effectiveness gap is even more skewed towards women than it was before the pandemic. Shenomics – a mindful leadership platform that trains, coaches, and mentors women to lead from within, identified the importance and opportunity to do an in-depth study of understanding the path to leadership for women in India.

Shenomics undertook the research The Path to Leadership for Women: Aspirations, Inspiration, and Support, in partnership with XLRI – Jamshedpur. Over 350 women and male professionals across India contributed to the research.

The research will be released in four parts, with the first one focusing on “A Competency Framework for Women Leaders.”

Report insights:

  • 46 percent of leaders noted that women need to work on their visibility, taking risks and asserting themselves
  • 50 percent of women leaders credit their success to resilience, agility and openness to learning
  • 45 percent of women stated that emotional intelligence had a key role to play in successful decision making
  • 70 percent of women surveyed had a high level of self-awareness
  • 30 percent of leaders stated that networking actively would help women succeed in securing top roles
  • 30 percent of top women leaders attribute their success to business acumen

Shenomics’ researchers had in-depth conversations with nearly a hundred men and women leaders from across industries and sectors. They interviewed three sets of leaders:

  • Aspiring women leaders – to understand their current approach as well as the top challenges they are facing
  • Women in top roles – to draw key insights and best practices from their successful path to leadership
  • Senior Executives (men and women) – to understand what it is that guides their choices while hiring

A nine-competency framework incorporates key professionals and interpersonal leadership competencies that can help shape women leaders.

The nine competencies span across:

  • Self-awareness, a courageous mindset, and resilient agility
  • Emotional intelligence, human-centered leadership and assertiveness
  • Business acumen, networking, and visibility

Speaking at the report launch, Bhavna Toor, founder, Shenomics said, “At Shenomics, our work in the space of supporting women’s leadership over the past 6 years has given us the opportunity to understand the aspirations and ambitions of professional women very closely. As women nurture their career aspirations while also balancing other competing priorities, we realized the one answer they are constantly looking for is – ‘What does it take for women to get to top leadership roles?’ It is our fervent hope that our nine-competency framework and its application will be useful in answering this question.”

To request for the complete report visit:

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