At the beginning of the year, many of us made firm resolutions to make 2012 the best ever. This was going to be the year, we declared, that we finally got our money act together. Reciting our 2012 Money Manifesto pledges, we vowed to make positive changes in 12 areas of our financial life.
If you had made these optimistic declarations to improve your finances, how would you rate your progress three months later? Have you been successful at implementing many of the habits that would allow you to achieve your objectives? Or have you given up on your plans and consoled yourself that next year will be better?
If you’re like most people and have already reneged on your resolutions, don’t despair. Decide to tackle your money problems in the same way you would approach a work or school assignment: assess the issue, research possible solutions, create an action plan and carry out the necessary activities. Make it your mission to work on a specific money goal each month.
What’s your money relationship?
Many people complain that they find it almost impossible to save regularly; so creating a savings habit would be one of their most important money objectives. Why is it usually so hard to save? Some persons admit that they just love to spend money, while others are at a disadvantage because they don’t even earn enough funds to meet their basic needs.
Regardless of the reasons for your inability to save, it will be difficult for you to become financially successful without having a regular saving programme. Persons who neglect to save actually create a financial chemistry that repels wealth instead of attracting it. As soon as money comes into their hands it leaves, and they will find it almost impossible to hold on to it for any length of time.
Saving is the solution to change this unhealthy relationship with money. Apart from the discipline that it encourages, saving helps you to focus on accumulating money instead of just consuming it. The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on will increase in your life; therefore, saving is the force that will allow you to become a virtual magnet for money.
Increase your money magnetism
If a lack of saving is causing you to repel wealth, it’s time to reverse that trend. To effect change in any area of your life, you first need to carry out some activity that will leave a big impression on your subconscious. This high-impact activity must be done very frequently so that it becomes a habit. Finally, you need a support system to encourage you to keep going in the right direction.
As we explained, there are two main problems that prevent most persons from saving. Let’s look at how to deal with the more difficult concern of having insufficient income. If you run out of money to pay your bills, then how can you possibly save anything? The solution that I offer may seem idealistic and may stretch your belief systems, but it has been proven to be very successful.
Persons who are low on funds have a major wealth-creation impediment, as subconsciously they are operating in a state of scarcity. They believe that there isn’t enough money for them, although there really is no shortage of wealth in the world. To change this dynamic they need to see visible proof of money increasing in their lives on a daily basis.
Build a money mound
To create this effect, get a see-through container such as a vase, large jar or even a big Ziploc bag. Every single day, preferably at the same time, put some cash in your money storehouse and make a record of the amount in a book or diary. The value of the money you deposit is not important; if all you can find are 10-cent coins, then they will definitely work.
Focus your attention on the increasing mass of money that you see accumulating in your money jar.Do a running tally of the amount as it grows and express your gratitude every day that your fortunes are improving. Keep doing this process for at least 90 days, but for maximum impact continue for an entire year.
Don’t spend the money that you put aside for this exercise; if your savings overflow the container, simply get a bigger one. At the end of your experiment, transfer the funds to your financial institution. After accumulating money for at least three months you should definitely experience an improvement in your finances.
How is it possible for a mound of money that might not even be worth that much to turn around your relationship with money?
To change your results, you have to first change your beliefs about what you can accomplish in life. Your beliefs determine your thoughts, which control your feelings, which in turn affect your actions, which lead to your results. Take on our money mission for this month and let me know what happens after your 90-day challenge is complete.
Cherryl Hanson-Simpson is a money coach, business mentor and the founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services, the Caribbean’s number one source for practical, down-to-earth and independent answers for all questions relating to personal finance. Cherryl is currently writing her first book, The 3 M’s of Money – How to Manage, Multiply and Maintain Your Money. See more of her work at
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