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Milka Milliance On Ditching The Facade Of Success In Order To Really Be Successful

Milka Milliance says women can find our voice and purpose-driven life when we stop putting up facades of success and live authentically. Read on to get inspired by her story.

Milka Milliance spent years building a high-profile career and leading a jet set life in New York City as a strategy and leadership consultant, only to watch it all come tumbling down. Despite her best efforts, Milliance realized that her beliefs, values, and behaviors were not in alignment with the tremendous level of effort she was exerting every day to maintain the façade of success.

Her struggle to heal and transform herself led her on a journey to find her purpose and to awaken her deepest passion – to give women the tools to empower themselves through her life coaching and leadership development practice. As the CEO and founder of We R Artemis Leadership, a global consulting firm for women, Milliance supports women’s efforts to step into leadership roles courageously, confidently, and collaboratively.

Milliance understands the impact a major life change—career upheaval and personal loss—can have on a woman. She created the Heroine’s Leadership Journey, to empower women during transitional periods in their lives. Milliance’s goal is help women make bold and powerful choices, especially when embarking on a new journey like entrepreneurship, starting a family or transitioning back into the workforce.

“I’m passionate about helping each woman find her voice and live an authentic and purpose-driven life,” said Milliance. “Women have unique life paths. Assessing their core beliefs helps shift negative behavior patterns and knock down the obstacles which prevent many women from stepping into their power.”

From her Miami office, Milliance combines traditional diagnostic tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Hogan Assessment tests with more intuitive and experiential methods to paint a full picture of each person. She then uses individual and group coaching, and interactive workshops to help women identify and set positive, life-changing goals. Her leadership exercises allow participants to explore their motivations and modify their behavior to align with their goals.

My aha moment came when I brought a new client to the retreat center in upstate New York where my own transformation began. I found inner peace and clarity there and it was exhilarating to share that experience with someone just starting on her transitional journey,” Milliance said.

She has worked with clients like Unilever, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Verizon, HSBC, and other Fortune 500 companies. Her book, The Heroine’s Leadership Journey Workbook: A Woman’s Guide to Exploring Transitions and Transformations is an invitation to explore your identity consciously and mindfully. To learn more about her women’s leadership development practice, visit her website,  

About the author

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