We ask three successful women how to start living our fullest life today and finish out 2014 fabulously
Three fabulously fierce women, Kate McKay, the author of “Living Sexy Fit” and the upcoming “Living Sexy Rich,” Judy Hoberman, the author of “Selling in a Skirt,” and Karyn Beach, the author of “Get It Together Girl,” have joined forces to offer women advice on how to ‘Finish ’14 Fabulously’ in a recent webinar.
Below, they have advice to share with female professionals on how to start living their fullest life today.
Kate McKay
It’s all about making a paradigm shift, expanding our view, living your life all in and no longer settling for less than you deserve. Claim the joy that is rightfully yours… be fit, rich, healthy and happy with how you show up in the world. Finishing ’14 fabulously is all about harnessing that motivation to achieve your goals that you feel at the beginning of the year to get that promotion, start a new business, or lose those ten pounds, and do it now! Too often, people put limitations—truthfully, excuses—on not starting to achieve their goals today: they’ll wait until after a big project is over, after the kids are settled in school, until Monday, until next month, until the new year, and, in the meantime, life steps in the way again, giving them new reasons to delay their success, and it never happens.
Women who want to achieve radical success should do it now. Three ways that they can do this include:
1. Decide that your time is NOW to get real, and get radical for you to take action to live an amazing breakthrough life.
2. Put your self-care at numero uno. You wouldn’t put cheap gas in Ferrari would you? Fuel your body with good foods that will boost your energy and therefore increase your success quotient in all aspects of your life.
3. Forgive yourself for your stumbles and missteps. We all do it! Just keep dancing!
McKay is known as the Master Motivator, is a multi-million dollar business owner, transformational speaker, coach, business consultant, fitness guru, entrepreneur and mother with a passion to ignite people to live out their purpose and fulfill their dreams. She is the author of Living Sexy Fit and the Upcoming Living Sexy Fit.
Judy Hoberman
Success in one aspect of your life can really influence how you feel about other areas of it. Business success takes hard work, but it isn’t really that difficult. Think about how minimizing stress and maximizing results in your career might positively influence other areas of your life, and help you finish 2014 strongly. So, take a look at these simple, but extremely important, strategies to boost your business results and start incorporating them into your day-to-day behavior:
- Since we all know about the 80/20 rule when it comes to doing business, why not start at the bottom of your list and call on that other 80%? I bet you would find interest from customers that haven’t been buying from you.
- Do you know how easy it is to lose sales because you didn’t follow up? Following up is the most important part of the sales process. Statistics show that 48% of all sales people NEVER follow up. It’s time to change that percentage.
- Take your goals for the rest of this year and again for 2015 and break them into bite-sized pieces. Instead of looking at that massive goal, break it down by the month, week or even the day. That number is much easier to reach and don’t forget to celebrate when you do.
Judy Hoberman, President of Selling In A Skirt has created a suite of workshops, seminars and coaching programs for women that takes the negativity out of selling. She helps create an environment where women are using an authentic selling system so that they can connect, communicate and close with ease while earning more money that ever before by creating long-lasting relationships.
Karyn Beach
Goal setting is the number one way to make things happen in your life- and you shouldn’t be waiting around until January to do so! However, simply setting goals won’t cut it. You have to be smart about the goals you set, and they have to be about something YOU really want. So take a step back and strategize when you set goals. Here are three tips to consider when setting goals and striving for success during this last portion of 2014:
- Stop shouldering on yourself: any goals that you have because you think you should have them and not because you want to have them are goals you will never achieve.
- Don’t have too many goals; the more goals you have the less you will achieve, never have more than 2-3 goals at a time.
- Always have a Plan B: No one reaches their goals without roadblocks and setbacks. Have a plan for the most common issues that might arise.
With Get It Together Girl Media, coach, author, and Internet radio host Karyn Beach is dedicated to helping busy professional women ‘get it together’. The philosophy is simple, start where you are, use what you have and you can get what you want! With small consistent actions, you can change your life! Get It Together Girl helps women get there. It’s feisty, fabulous and always fun!
With these motivational words of advice, Kate McKay, Judy Hoberman and Karyn Beach hope you decide to enact positive change in your business, health, and personal lives now. Don’t wait till 2015 to start living fabulously- get started on those goals now and send 2014 out with a bang!
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