Get Real With Your Money So You Can Have More Of It
TeleconferenceIf you can't make the most of your current money, what makes you think you'll do any better with more? Jamie Campbell is helping women get real with money.
30 Days to 3 New Clients: How to Quit Spinning Your Wheels & Start Serving Real, Paying Clients- Virtual
Learn how to bring in money and how to focus on the right tasks so you can bring in paying clients and get cash flow positive sooner rather than later.
Fund and Fuel Your Dreams
Fund and Fuel Your Dreams is a 3-day event where you will get hands-on, expert training on how to raise money for your business. You will leave with a step-by-step plan and resources to take the plan forward. At the event there will be opportunities for support from experts on messaging, your financials, and more. It […]