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The Doorway To Getting More Exposure

Sharing your expertise with your community, your circle of followers, your audience, your market - is the doorway to getting more exposure.

The Doorway To Getting More Exposure - Lioness MagazineImagine that you have five tips from your expertise to share with your community, your circle of followers, your audience, your market – however you refer to those people who want to learn from you more of what you know. That’s all, only five tips. Not a Top Ten or 101 or any other number. Only five. You could build an entire easily do-able promotional campaign based on those five. You could also create an entire product line from those five. Are you having trouble imagining that?

Ponder these possibilities for starters.

  1. Drip a tip a day or a week on your mailing list, social media, or to journalists.
  2. Write an article based on each tip.
  3. Create a class (in-person, online, by phone) for each tip.
  4. Exchange each article with 5 different colleagues for ezines or guest blog posts.
  5. Audio record a lesson based on each of 5 tips.

This barely scratches the surface of what is possible with only five tips and ways to use them. Yet it could be your doorway to getting more exposure and generating more new revenue than you’ve done so far.

Focusing on only five tips, five promotional efforts, five products, or five of anything makes it more likely that you’ll get it done and that you’ll keep moving forward. It’s more manageable. It’s re-purposing at its finest – do it once; use it many times in many ways.

mediaConsider what would happen by choosing five different tips of yours each calendar quarter of the year. You can balance a schedule-based service-mostly business with product development and promotional efforts, while introducing something new every three months.

Of course you can shape this any way you’d like since you get to choose. It can be fewer than five tips or more than five. While you may be tempted to immediately increase the number because you feel you can easily handle more, see how you do with using five. There is still plenty you can do in leveraging those five. As you feel more comfortable with recycling the five tips in different ways, your consistency may even surprise you. Staying at that pace for awhile is likely to bring you greater results than increasing any part of the process. There will be plenty of time to adjust the numbers later, if it’s even warranted at all. Five might be the magic number that has you moving along at a pace that’s so easy, you hardly have to think about it.

ACTION – Choose and write your first five tips. Then decide five ways you’d like to use them. Going at this one step at a time increases your chances of success regardless of how you define success. You can do audio if you’re comfortable doing audio. Maybe you’d rather do video instead. Or maybe a different format came to mind that is more inviting to you than anything mentioned in this article at all. Do what appeals most to you, as long as you do it.

Paulette-Ensign_1851Paulette Ensign, Tips Products International Founder, never dreamed of selling a million+ copies of her 16-page tips booklet 110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life, much less in four languages and various formats without a penny on advertising. She’s made a handsome living and cross-country move from New York to San Diego recycling those same 3500 words since 1991. With over forty years’ experience worldwide with small businesses, corporations, and professional associations in numerous industries, she and her cat live a mile from the beach, keeping them both young at heart. Learn more at and

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