The acclaimed documentary, “Show Her The Money,” has successfully wrapped its ambitious 100-city grassroots global tour. This...
Dolores Hirschmann: Acquisition for Creative Entrepreneurs
Operation HOPE Announced Maui Women’s Business Development MPOWER Program
SCORE Announces Winners of its Small Business Pitch Competition in Des Moines
The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Selects Female-Led Startups for Pitch Competition
Category - Startup
Getting started means understanding the startup stages your idea will move through. Whether you’re in the Pre-Startup phase, prepared to Launch or finally primed to Scale, Lioness is helping to minimize your risks at each stage.
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In the latest chapter of Rachel's startup story, she has the epiphany about the parallels between running a race and starting your own business.
Conducting market research is an underutilized tool to tapping into you audience's needs, assessing your competitors and pivoting for success.
Crafting your brand by creating the look and feel of it and exemplifying it through design takes time. Here's what Rachel thinks about when it comes to...
You’ve done everything you should to get angel investors interested in your hot company, but how do you get them to pull the trigger and invest? Do this.
We all struggle when it comes to creating our business model and fee structure. In fact, sometimes it is only through trial and error that we figure out what...
Unlike five-year-olds, we often sabotage our thinking process. We say, “yes but.” “I can’t do this, because of that. Transform your business by getting out of...
In the spirit of the New Year, Tablevogue Founder Jane Birdwell wants to share the realities of bringing a product to market in today's volatile environment in...
Incorporating the customer into your strategic planning leads to a better product, customer development and, ultimately, revenue growth.
Even if you have expertise in all of the skills required to get the various jobs done you are one person and there are only 24 hours in a day. Success as a...
As I continue my journey in startup land, I recently came across an interesting experience with a psychic. She confirms that starting my own business is in the...